Encrypts and decrypts the MS Access Database

Encrypt MS Access Database: To encrypt the MS Access Database, it's necessary to open database in exclusive mode as shown in fig 1.1.

MS Access encrypts and decrypts the MS Access Database Fig 1.1


Then on database tools tab, select the encrypt database. A pop up will open for password as shown in Fig 1.2. This will complete the encryption process on MS Access Database.

MS Access encrypts and decrypts the MS Access Database Fig 1.2


After this, user has to provide the password to access the MS Access Database as shown in Fig 1.3.

MS Access encrypts and decrypts the MS Access Database Fig 1.3


Now if user wants to disable this encryption process, then he has to follow the decryption process the MS Access Database. Again user has to open the database in exclusive mode, and in database tools, click on decrypt database. Then provide password to unset database password as shown in Fig 1.4. This feature applies only to databases in the .accdb file format.

MS Access encrypts and decrypts the MS Access Database Fig 1.4



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